Electric Avenue
Hosted by:
- Wednesdays, 6:00pm–7:00pm
Welcome to the back half of the week!
Jimbo and Vern play modern, classic and in-between.
International and domestic jams.THE VAULT /// RECENT BROADCASTS
XRAY.fm makes recently broadcasted shows available for two weeks after the original show date.
6:00pm, 11-13-2024
6:00pm, 11-6-2024
6:00pm, 10-30-2024
6:00pm, 10-16-2024
6:00pm, 10-9-2024
6:00pm, 10-2-2024
6:00pm, 9-25-2024
6:00pm, 9-18-2024
6:00pm, 9-11-2024
6:00pm, 9-4-2024