Episode 244: National Pharmacist Day
12:00pm, 1-12-2025
<< Dickenbock Report
January 12 is National Pharmacist Day. Celebrating those pill-slingers with musical reports & other reporting. What do you mean, my prescription has no refills? Oh all right I'll contact my doctor.
Unless a radio show about pharmacists might help?
- 12:01pm Underground Pharmacist by The Flaming Lips on Scratching The Door: First Recordings Of The Flaming Lips (Rhino, 2018)
- 12:10pm Mr. Pharmacist by The Other Half on Mr. Pharmacist (Eva, 1992)
- 12:12pm Mrs Pharmacist by Woog Riots on Strangelove TV (What's So Funny About..., 2006)
- 12:15pm Armchair Pharmacist by Tenderhooks on Vidalia (Rock Snob, 2007)
- 12:18pm Pharmacist by Steve Poltz on Shine On (Red House, 2019)
- 12:22pm Pharmacist by Mr. Oizo on Pharmacist (Because, 2020)
- 12:31pm Pharmacist by Predator Prey on First Offering (Self-Released, 2012)
- 12:32pm Pharmacist by Alvvays on Blue Rev (Polyvinyl, 2024)
- 12:34pm The Night Pharmacist by Ergo Phizmiz on The Mystical Wine Press (Self-Released, 2024)
- 12:39pm A Crooked Pharmacist by Ejler Berry on These Things I Make (Self-Released, 2024)
- 12:41pm Supermarket Pharmacy by Radar Bros. on Radar Bros. (Restless, 1997)
- 12:49pm Pharmacies & Bars by Peyton Pinkerton on Peyton Pinkerton (Darla, 2013)
- 12:52pm Mexican Pharmacy by Jill Sobule on California Years (Pinko, 2009)
- 12:55pm Hamburger Pharmacy by Mr. Hageman on Twin Smooth Snouts (Starlight Furniture, 1995)
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