Internal Chatter - NAMI SW WA with Kim Schneiderman - 05-16-2024
1:00pm, 5-16-2024

<< Internal Chatter
Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? Well, the esteemed Kim Schneiderman from NAMI SW WA is here to remind us. In addition, she gives us the lowdown on why she knows everyone at her grocery store, getting into mental health by way of phlebotomy and bubble packs, and how her volunteer service at NAMI translated into her dual roles now as Board President and Executive Director. We talk about how NAMI supports and provides Education, Support, Advocacy, and Awareness for people dealing with mental health issues, and their loved ones and about the annual NAMI SW WA walk, coming up this weekend, and annually following, on the Saturday of the weekend prior to Memorial Day. Welcome Kim!
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