News With My Fiancé - Thursday, August 17th, 2023
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer
Host Check In
- I refuse to believe that y’all even thought about 100 degree days when you voted to pump your own gas
- Vivek said what about Juneteenth?!
- QUESTION: What do y’all do when you see someone stealing?
Sometimes we have a theme for the show and today’s is Juking The Stats, otherwise known as, They Be Lying.
(00:26:36) The MAGA Daddy is in troubies again.
(00:41:24) Folks all up in arms about shoplifting, but have they SEEN it?
(01:01:02) Law & Order? More like False Chaos. Bend City Manager used faulty police data to displace people experiencing homelessness
(01:07:28) Oregon caught in 4K violating our 6th amendment rights
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show
Groove Theory
Kid Sister
- (00:01:09) Good Morganing … How are we today? Wanted to get this sent before I got busy
- (00:02:29) Good morning fiancés! Crystal
- (00:07:06) Darpa is being run by lizard people who need the weather erratic. It's their fault
- (00:35:51)
- (00:39:33) Mind my OWN business
- (00:39:38) From a store? Nothing. From someone's car, porch, etc maybe something. Point of the story steal from corporations not people
- (00:40:17) And then turn to my kid "they are probably having a tougher day than we are..."
- (00:40:29) HorrOregon be PUUUUUUMPIN'!!!
- (00:40:42) I smile, wink, and give them a thumbs up
- (00:53:29) Have y'all seen the price of some spices these days? Like come on
- Doy I got us tix to Boris / Melvin's Thurs Aug 31st. It's going to be Fun!
- I love a heavy sigh!
- Love y’all. And I love myself when I remember to turn on xray at 7:30 on Thursday!!!
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free