Making Connections - Voices from Juneteenth 2023 - 6/28/23

I brought my KXRW gear to Vancouver’s Juneteenth Freedom Celebration and compiled the opening remarks, along with the thoughts and perspectives of some of those who joined in the festivities. The theme for 2023 was “…indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.
The festival celebrates the freedoms that strengthen our community. The freedom to:
-Have Creative Expression
-Achieve Financial Stability
-Access Healthcare
-Acquire an Education
-Participate in civic Engagement
-Celebrate our Heritages
-Embark on a Fresh Start
This event was sponsored by
-Inatai foundation
-Community Foundation of Southwest Washington
-Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health
-Black Community of Portland
-Vancouver Downtown Association
Indivisible Greater Vancouver
-PFLAG Southwest Washington
-Hispanic Disability Support SWWA (Pasitos Gigantes)
-Cafe Yumm!
-Black Future Co-op Fund
-YWCA Clark County