Inside the Wizard's Hat

Early Electronics (Rerun)

4:00pm, 3-5-2023
<< Inside the Wizard's Hat

EARLY ELECTRONICS (explores the very earliest of electronic music)

1.) Bebe & Louis Barron - Forbidden Planet Soundtrack: Main Titles (overture) 1956

2.) Wendy Carlos Interview BBC - 1989 (her album ‘switched-on Bach’ is from 1968 which is a good deal of the background music for this interview)

3.) Ivor Darreg - 13 tones per octave (vibraphone) ((I can’t get an accurate gauge on when this was recorded, but his inventions/recordings appear to be 1938-1974))

4.) Don Buchla- in the beginning Etude II (inventions 1968 onward; again not getting a solid recording date)

5.) 1950s early electronic synthesizer demonstration (RCA Synthesizer Mark I, right around 1955)

6.) Robert Moog - Electronic Music Interview (his invention of the Moog is 1964; interview likely takes place 1970s/1980s)

7.) Raymond Scott Quintette - Powerhouse (1937) 

8.) Raymond Scott - Cindy Electronium (1959)

9.) Pierre Schaeffer - Etudes de Bruits (1948) 

10.) Vangelis - Chariots of Fire (1981)

11.) Wendy Carlos - clockworks - title music from ‘a clockwork orange’ (recorded 1971)

12.) Maurice Martenot - music from the ether (1934) playing/demonstrating his invention the Ondes Martenot

13.) Clara Rockmore with Nadia Reisenberg - Noctourne in C-Sharp Minor, B. 49 (playing the Theremin, an invention by Leon Theremin. She performed this music subsequently after its invention in 1928, however oddly did not record an album/s with this instrument until the 1970s. This particular recording is from 1975). 

14.) ‘vintage drum machine from 1959’ - a demonstration of the first tube-based drum machine (not to be mistaken for the first drum machine, which is from 1931), the Wurlitzer Sideman. A more modern demo of this fully restored run machine, including even its natural operational noises. 

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