Making Connections - Disparities and Health Care- 3/24/21
12:30pm, 3-24-2021
<< KXRW Vancouver
An interesting, personal conversation with Sirius Bonner, VP, Equity and Inclusion, Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette. about Health Care disparities for Black and Brown women.
Making Connections: We can understand the world better and learn more about ourselves when we pay attention to the stories of other people. By listening to the voices of others, we strengthen our own…
3:48am, 8-6-2021
It's a really important topic nowadays. I believe that healthcare has to be easily accessible for everyone. And I'm glad that at least on the internet it's possible to people to get the products to support their well-being. As for me, I think that is a great way to start a day, and even though it's a small impact, it's better than nothing.
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