Radio Roulette

Reckonings: A Health Insurance Executive Has a Crisis of Conscience

12:00pm, 7-13-2017
<< Radio Roulette
'I was getting people to make decisions based on misleading information that could have life or death consequences.' That’s Wendell Potter, the former head of public relations for CIGNA, one of the biggest health insurance companies in the country. He was responsible for devising PR campaigns to help CIGNA deny coverage, discredit critics, and cast the corporate health insurance industry in a positive light. That was until he had three transformative experiences within the span of one year, which transformed the numbers in his spreadsheets into actual people with real lives. 
What happens when a health insurance spin doctor confronts the consequences of his spin? That's the surprising — and surprisingly hopeful — odyssey we're diving into.

Reckonings is produced and hosted by Stephanie Lepp.

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